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New Relic Alert Channel

Configure a Lacework alert channel to forward alerts to New Relic using the Insights API. To configure Lacework to forward events, you need your New Relic account ID and insert key.

To configure Lacework to forward events, verify your New Relic account ID and insert key. Lacework recommends using dedicated Insert keys for different applications or different data sources.

Add an Insert Key

Do the following:

  1. Go to > Manage data > API keys.
  2. From API key management, select the symbol next to the insert keys heading.
  3. Enter a short description about the key.
  4. Select Save your notes.

For more information about sending custom data to Insights, see: Insert custom events via the Insights API.

Create the New Relic Alert Channel

Do the following:

  1. Log in to the Lacework Console as a Lacework user with administrative privileges.
  2. Go to Settings > Notifications > Alert channels.
  3. Click + Add new.
  4. Select New Relic.
  5. Click Next.

Ensure you have created your account ID and an insert key as described in Add an Insert Key.

Do the following:

  1. Name the alert channel.
  2. Add your New Relic Insert key.
  3. Add your New Relic account ID.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Alert rules and configure your required alert routing details/options by leveraging the alert channel you created.

You should now start to receive Lacework alert notifications in Insights.

Create a Lacework New Relic Insights Alert Channel Using Terraform

For organizations using Terraform to manage their environments, Lacework maintains the Terraform provider for Lacework, which enables configuration of Lacework alert channels using automation.

For a complete list of custom Terraform resources to manage alert channels in Lacework, see Managing Alert Channels with Terraform.

# Configure New Relic Alert Channel in Lacework
resource "lacework_alert_channel_newrelic" "example" {
name = "My New Relic Channel Alert Example"
account_id = 2338053
insert_key = "x-xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Additional information on the lacework_alert_channel_newrelic resource can be found on the Terraform Registry.